Thursday, May 26, 2005

Welcome Grant Participants!

What a cool tool! We'll be using this site a number of times throughout the learning experience. Be prepared to write, reflect and converse with your fellow scribes via blogging. You may love it so much that you'll create your own blog for your students to think, reflect and write. Quite different from the way I remember writing for science and social studies!

Day 1&2 End of the Day Reflection

So now that you know a bit more about the TraitsTM, what do you think? How can you employ this resource in your classrooms to help improve writing and your students' understanding of your content area? What strategies will you employ? How will you get your students to understand and use the TraitsTM in their writing? Please denote your thoughts in our blog and respond to at least one other participant's comments.

Problem Solved?

So now that you've read and reviewed some information about technology integration, tell us what you think. How will your classroom activities change? What will remain the same? How will your planning and assessment be impacted?